Web Policies
The purpose of the Troop 403 website is to provide information about the troop to prospective members and to share information with troop scouts, leaders, and parents.
Troop 403 is committed to youth safety as are all scouts, leaders, and parents. We do not publish specific information about upcoming troop events or about individual scouts on our public web site. Should you find information on this web site about your child with which you are uncomfortable, please contact the troop webmaster and it will be promptly removed. Any other questions about the appropriateness of public information on our website will be referred to the troop committee.
In addition to this public site, the troop maintains a private, intranet site at Yahoo groups. This site contains our list archive, calendar, files and other troop information. Only boys, parents, and leaders of the troop can get access to this group via a yahoo ID and password; however, any information placed on our group will also be available to scouts and parents at troop meetings or through email.