About Troop 403


Troop 403 has been chartered since 1967, we are a Co-Ed troop and are proud to have received our charter in 2020 to include girls in the wonderful scouting adventure.

We are proud to have more than 100 Eagle Scouts on our Honor Roll. Troop 403 is sponsored by Holy Trinity Episcopal Church and meets on Thursdays from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at 13106 Annapolis Road. We also camp one weekend per month throughout the year. Membership in Holy Trinity Episcopal Church is not required to be a member of Troop 403. Boys and Girls must have completed the fifth grade and be at least 10 years old, or be 11 years old, or have earned the Cub Scout Arrow of Light Award and be at least 10 years old, and be under 18 years old.

We also host a Venturing Crew where Boys and girls aged 14 through 21 can experience adventure and leadership possibilities.  Venturing is youth-led and youth-inspired. You’ll acquire life skills and gain experiences that will prove to be valuable regardless of where your future takes you, all while having a blast: leadership, event-planning, organization, communication, and responsibility  .

Troop 403 is a member of the Prince George’s District of the National Capital Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America. The NCAC home page is http://www.boyscouts-ncac.org

Our Guiding Principle

To provide our scouts with opportunities for travel, adventure, personal growth, leadership development, and giving back to our communities.  Through these opportunities, they learn and apply the principles of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

Parent Organization

Parent involvement and commitment is the cornerstone of our troop.  Successful scouts are supported by active parents.  Our mission, which includes, travel, adventure, personal growth, leadership development, and giving back to our communities, would be limited without the strong commitment our scouts’ parents.

As with any organization, communication is key.  Therefore, attendance at our quarterly parent meetings is critical to getting you “plugged in” to the life of the troop.  These meetings occur at 7:30 pm on our regular meeting and are organized and facilitated by our Troop Chairperson.  We discuss the upcoming events, news you need to know, and volunteer needs.  Here are a few common volunteer opportunities:

  • Attend a camp-out or special event. (Either parent may attend any event)
  • Coordinate a camp-out or special event with/without the assistance.
  • Participate on a short-term committee. (1 to 4 meetings)
  • Assistant Scoutmaster – Training provided by Council, District, and Troop.


The troop realizes scouting can be costly to our parents and scouts.  To help you defray these costs,  the troop has a wide variety of fund-raising opportunities available throughout the year. These include:

  • Annual BSA Popcorn Sales.
  • Annual Mulch sale
  • Holiday Greenery
  • Concession stands at various venues.
  • etc…

The funds generated from these opportunities go into the scout and/or parent’s account.   Funds in these accounts and can be used for any scouting related activity.